Task 2
The school also need to produce brochures and materials that can be used at option and parent's evenings, they also want to display graphical images on the the Kingswood website and on school vehicles. You need to recommend the file types needed to display the images in the locations and justify the reasons for your choice.
(P2) 23rd Jan
Brochures are often made using images that are BITmap or JPEG because these are smaller files and they are more efficient and will work better because they are made of pixels so it will use less ink than if it was a vector image because that is made up of lines instead it is important to make each sheet efficient because if you are handing out brochures you will make hundreds and every bit of extra ink used will add up together so to print images on a brochure you should use BITmap or JPEG and if you are making the brochures online you will save it as a PDF file this way anyone will be able to open it weather they are on a mac or pc
Images on vehicles are mostly done with vector images because these images will not lose quality when they are stretched so they will work well when they are being applied to the vehicle but a slight problem with using this is that the file size would be very large compared to a bitmap file Illustrator is often the software used to make the images for the vehicles
If you are putting an image onto a website it is better to use a bitmap image or a jpeg image because they are both smaller files so this will make them a lot faster to download because it is just made up of lots of little pixels that can be moved faster than a block image but vector images could also be used if they are not meant to be downloaded because if it is for visual purposes you would want the highest quality possible these will often be made on Photoshop
www: all elements are covered for the file types well done.