Monday 2 December 2013

Task 3

Having designed your database structure, populate the tables by entering example data that satisfies the validation rules.Provide annotated screenshots to show how you have done this. (P3) Deadline 5th October
LO(P3): Understand how to create and populate a database.
You have been provided with data in the form of text files containing details of members, payments, films and reviews.
Import this data and populate you database tables using append queries. Show that you have done this successfully by providing annotated screenshots of the steps you take, and of the populated tables in datasheet view. (M2) Deadline 8thOctober.
LO(M2): Learn how to import data from an external source into your database.

this is creating a query for films in this section i will pick the fields that correspond to the table

with the query created the data is linked to the matching fields so now i have the information needed in the table

for this query i am taking the information from the members_exam table to append the data to the members table

this is the query with the chosen fields selected now i will append this data to the members table

this is a validation rule on microsoft access that wants me to confirm that appending the data is what i want to do

this is the members table with all of the information in it now i have both the films and members tables with the data in them

1 comment:

  1. www: the above post does met the described criteria in red.
