Tuesday 4 February 2014


Task 2
Planning and design.
In this task you have to create 3 separate documents:
1. a storyboard that outlines the navigation of your guide
2. a design housestyle that outlines fonts, images, media and colours to be used
3. a full prototype created in powerpoint, which has all text and images included.
 (P2) Deadline 27th Jan 2014  

To achieve M1 you need to develop your ideas, don’t settle on your first draft.
Show second drafts where you have changed your ideas to use initiative and explore unconventional design ideas.
Annotate your second drafts of P2 work to show how your designs have developed. Your development work should include possible font designs and logos.
Include notes on meeting user requirements.
(M1) Deadline 7th Feb 2014

Black - 000000

Font - Agency FB
Font Size - 20 , 54

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